How to Install & Import Presets in Adobe Camera Raw (ACR)

Using the included Installer

Note: If you have installed the presets into Lightroom Classic (Icon LrC), the presets will automatically install into ACR.

  1. Open an image in ACR on your desktop computer.
  2. Navigate to and unzip the .zip file downloaded from your Mastin Labs account.
  3. Navigate to Folder from .zip file > Folder titled "3. Desktop Presets for Lightroom Classic CC"
  4. Double click on the Installer for your chosen operating system, this will automatically install the presets.
  5. Navigate to ACR to select 'Presets' in the right-side menu (See 'Step 1' in Visual below).

Alternative Manual Import

  1. Navigate to and double click the .zip file you downloaded from your Mastin Labs account to open folder.
  2. Open an image in ACR on your desktop computer.
  3. Select 'Presets' in the right-side menu (Step 1 Visual below).
    Click on three dots (step 2).
    Lastly, select 'Import Profiles & Presets' (visual below) (step 3).
  4. Navigate to Folder from .zip file > Folder titled "3. Desktop Presets for Lightroom Classic CC"
  5. Open the ‘Lightroom CC - Manual Import (Optional)’ folder and double-click the [preset pack].zip file (visual below).
  6. Repeat the process to install the 'camera specific' presets in addition to the original set (only if you are using Canon R5/R6 or Fuji X-T3/T4).

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