How to Update Your Capture One Desktop Styles

Update Notes

  • We always keep the most current style pack version in your Mastin Labs account.
  • Our last style pack update was released on November 12th, 2020. If you purchased before this date, you recommended installing the update. If you purchased after this date, you already have the current version.

Instructions to update your style packs:

  1. Login to your Mastin Labs account—
    1. If you have not activated your account, you will need to do this before you can login. After entering your purchase email address, you’ll receive an email to set a password for your account.
  1. Once your account is activated, login, and then select "Downloads Purchases"
  2. Before installing the update, please delete the old styles to avoid file conflict.
    1. Navigating to the following folders, then delete the Mastin Labs Style folders inside.
      1. Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Capture One/Styles
      2. Windows: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\CaptureOne\Styles
  3. Once the old versions are deleted, install the update by double-clicking the styles icon from the download. You do not need to copy any files, simply double-click the style icon from the download. If you need more help installing your styles, follow these instructions.

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