What Are The Minimum Software Requirements?

The minimum software specifications below are required for presets and/or styles use.

Lightroom Desktop Presets and Mobile Profiles

Adobe Lightroom

  • Lightroom Classic CC 12
  • Lightroom CC 3.0

Adobe Camera Raw (ACR)

  • Adobe Camera Raw 14.4
  • Adobe Photoshop CC 1.3
An Adobe Creative Cloud subscription is required for our Desktop Presets and Mobile Profiles products.
Your Adobe subscription plan requires the following apps for product installation:
- Desktop Presets require the Lightroom Classic app
- Mobile Profiles require the Lightroom app.

Capture One Desktop Styles

  • Capture One 20

System requirements for software installation:

Lightroom Classic CC, Lightroom CC, Adobe Camera Raw (ACR), Capture One 20

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