How to Edit With Fuji Original

Fuji Original is light and airy, containing three film emulation presets Fuji 400H, Fuji 160NS, and Fuji 800z, and one additional look Fuji 400H Blue to solve neon greens. Here's a breakdown of the look of each individual preset.

Mastin Labs 3-Step Workflow:

Say goodbye to hours of tweaking. Make consistency and freedom, yours. By using this workflow you will get clean, true-to-color images both you and your clients will love.

  1. Apply the preset: This applies a color pallette and micro-contrast to an image.
  2. Adjust Exposure: Exposure often needs to be increased as most cameras try to protect highlights on Auto. Exposure tames the contrast alone with Tone Profiles.
  3. Adjust white balance and tint: This step dials in perfect skin tones and fixes white balance/tint biases per camera. Most cameras don't get this right with Auto White Balance, and learning white balance adjustments fixes this.

Unlock consistency and speed! Below is a full, live editing session by Kirk Mastin editing with the Fuji Original pack.

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